"UUURRRRHHHHEEWWWWWWW... GET IT AWAY FROM ME" These are the exact words Em used when I showed her the model I used to test out the new special effects paints from Games Workshop. This is him - I think someone should go visit the 'special' Doctor. I really love this model, but not being either a Nurgle or Choas player I've never really had an excuse to paint him. Until now! The sculpt, the details and the pose all really sit well with me. It's a reasonably straight forward model but it still has such a dominating presence for me. Also, it only has two skulls on it! I'm serious, you might have an infection there. With the paint job I wanted to have a bit of a play with the new paints and decided this chap would work really well looking like he's just been dredged up from the bottom of a lake. The skin was base coated in Tallern Flesh/Thunderhawk Blue. then I kept adding Dwarf Flesh and Pallid Wych Flesh until it was pure Wych Flesh...