Jeff’s last post gave me multiple hobbygasms. The Inquisition is cool, the Cetus sub-sector is cool, the concept of skirmish games is cool. The whole state of play is pretty boss sausage . That being the case, it seemed appropriate to introduce one of the warbands that will be taking part: I painted Inquisitor Drake some time ago and haven’t had many chances to use him, but with the advent of our Inq28 campaign, that’s set to change. That being the case, it seems appropriate to flesh him out and give him more than just a name. Inquisitor Drake Inquisitor Aidan Drake was one of the acolytes of the famously intrepid (i.e. reckless) Inquisitor Aerdon of the Ordo Hereticus. Drake had two qualities Aerdon lacked: patience and subtlety, attributes that made Drake an excellent deep cover agent. Over time, Drake was given more responsibility, until he came to co-ordinate Aerdon’s intelligence network. For all his achievements, though, Drake felt that he was forever...