As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster. Wait, that's not right. Let me try that again. As far back as I can remember, I always was drawn to the ambiguous elements of the 40k Universe. The gooder than good types never interested me, neither do that baddest of the bad. It could it be that these characters always felt a little obvious. No room for a little wiggle. I liked anything that was sat firmly in the shades of grey. It's one of the reasons the Dark Angels appealed to me with their tragic backstory and sometimes questionable loyalties. That and the iconography. Also the same with the Thousand Sons. Yes, they where a chaos faction, but their fall to chaos was not their strictly their own doing. Also the iconography and aesthetic. One day I'll do a post showing off all the Dark Angels at the same time as there are a lot of them, but there are a few posts back in the archive Here & Here if you are interested. However today is about the...