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Showing posts from April, 2019

Arise Brothers! Genestealer Cult #1 - neophytes

I'm not sure there's any more horrifying concept in the 40k universe than the Genestealer cult. Think about it, demons need a weakness in you to get in, to manipulate you. Mutation through chaos influence tends to be a reward or punishment for actually worshipping them. Capture and torture in the depths of Commorragh is at least against your will. No, the Genestealer cares nothing for that. A dark alleyway or the corridors of a ship, a noise from behind, glittering eyes... now you are the proud parent of a monster. A monster that you love, that your brain makes beautiful. Who you'd die to protect. Gods I love Genestealer Cults... So it might be a bit of a surprise it's taken this long to make one... Well, not really, see here's how it went: The new neophytes and acolytes turn up in Deathwatch Overkill. I'm immediately in love. The boxes come out and they're just as good. But the army's a smidge thin, I'm not sure I want to be collecting guardsme...

Churchill Mk.VII in 1:35 Scale

For my birthday this year I was a lucky boy indeed. I got given a 1/35 scale Churchill Tank. This was a pleasant surprise. I’m no stranger to building and painting armour. My history of Imperial Guard armies and Bolt Action will attest to this. However, I’ve never done anything in this scale, and damn she’s a big ol’ bucket. The Churchill was not a small tank by any means. It was designed with a First World War type of combat in mind. It was slow and heavily armoured to keep pace with, and support, infantry advances. It was also made very, very long to cross trenches and other obstacles. It turned out to be a very good base for special modifications including the ‘ Hobart's Funnies ’ and a whole range of bridging and engineering vehicles. It was also sometimes equipped with a flame thrower, so imagine the lovechild of the Hellhound and Leman Russ demolisher. You get the idea. This kit is from Tamiya and their build quality is second to none. This kit basically fell together w...

Custom summary sheets for Kill Team

After a few games of Kill Team, I decided that life would be a lot quicker and easier if I had all the information I needed for my team on one piece of paper. All their weapons, stat lines, specialisms, tactics, faction special rules, everything. Turns out it's very doable. In today's post, I'm going to share the template document along with my own custom sheets for you to download and alter to suit your team. It's relatively basic - just a Word document - but hopefully it'll be of some use. It's certainly sped up my playing speed, as I haven't played this game enough to just remember everything. I'll also include pictures of my three Kill Teams, with a brief overview of their background. Before I dive in, I must give thanks to Jeff. Whilst we were preparing to run a Kill Team campaign (sadly put off due to scheduling conflicts) he made a Word document formatted to replicate 6 of the generic team member cards you get in the game. It was this origin...

House Orlock: Blood & Chrome!

From the depths of the Sejanus underhive come the first of many Necromunda gangs. I won the painting race! [editors note, this surprises no-one]. I love all of the Necromunda gang designs, choosing one was a hell of a task. But there is something about the Orlocks, their down to earth approach, the biker gang stylings, the low-tech weapons. Thus my first gang just had to be the House of Iron: The backstory for this band of ne'er-do-wells is that they are a legit Sons of Anarchy style biker gang holding territory for protection and doing some light gun-running and convoy-raiding on the side. Their legitimate front is the "Blood & Chrome Social Club" a dive bar attached to a mechanic's (see? Very Sons ) from which the gang takes its name and launders the proceeds of its illegal activities. The Blood & Chrome relates to the bonds of blood "we're all family" and the chrome of the bikes. Those blood red loincloths are the mark by which the initi...

Book Review: A World of Dioramas (Per Olav Lund)

I’m in the middle of a couple of different projects at the moment and I thought it’d be nice to post something a little different, so here’s a book review. In truth, this isn’t very topical as the book came out in about 2014. However, as we cater mostly to the Games Workshop community rather than the scale modelling community, I thought It’d be a nice opportunity to introduce the book to a wider audience. I have taken a couple of photos from the book for the purposes of illustration, both the Amazon and Canfora website fail to show any of the interior of the book, which is a shame as there’s so much more than just the cover. There is probably a good way to take photos of books - I have yet to find it, so bear with some of the photography. I picked this book up at Salute a couple of years ago and here’s what I think of it. Per Olav Lund is a Norwegian scale model maker who specialises in dioramas. like many, he takes significant inspiration from World War 2, but he also takes time to d...