Today I have the unenviable task of writing the first post after Mark's posthumous blog , so I'll open by saying the response to it from the community, both on social media and in our own comments section, has been overwhelming. It was linked to by all sorts of people, including Aaron Dembski-Bowden and, in a touching move that resulted in one of the Beard Bunker crew quietly sobbing on a bus, the post was featured as one of the Elite Choices in Episode 196 of the Independent Characters podcast . As a long time listener to the ICs, hearing the guys talk about what Mark had to say was a trip, and an affirming one at that. Between that lovely tribute and the many other comments we got, there are two possibilities: one, that it was a funny, informative and moving collection of thoughts, or two, that people love a joke at Coldplay's expense. Either way, it's given us some comfort. Thanks once again to everyone who dropped by. We got to thinking about what on Earth o...