Today, Maisey and I bring you our first 40K 8th edition battle report. It will cover the splodes, who done them, and why they was done. At the end, Maisey's providing a reflective plenary on his tactical learning points. The backstory (w hy was the splodes done?) There wasn't officially any backstory, but my subconscious provided one anyway: Inquisitor Drake has heard rumours of heretic astartes poking about in some pre-Imperial ruins on Samalut IX . Putting on his brownest trousers, Drake has come to put a stop to... whatever it is they're doing. Upon arrival, he requests assistance from the most mobile Guard units available and heads for the traitors' last known location. He normally likes to plan things meticulously, so this sort of tactical improvisation scares the hell out of him. The armies (who done the splodes?) Both forces weigh in at a power level of 70. The Imperial force consists of a mechanised battalion (+3CP) from the Ankran 107th, and a...