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Showing posts from 2024

Bolt Shells And Body Bags

Greetings, fellow fans of evil teleport-capable slabs of excessive violence. I bring to you our preferred vehicle for such things... an upsettingly large amount of Word Bearers Terminators: Nothing like a freshly defiled church to whet the appetite for a bit of the ol' ultraviolence Yep! As is often my wont, I decided not to do things by halves, no mucking around with a compact, bijou support unit of termies, ohhhhh no. Big ol' brick of 10. As party favours go, that and a pair of Obliterators really make a spicy deep strike offering. They had their maiden run this weekend having been finished at pretty much the 11th hour and were a distressingly destructive presence all round. The dark gods are thoroughly delighted with my offering. First squad, the up close and personal one, very fond of flames I should caution you all, I ought to come with a warning label that reads "will wax rhapsodic about terminators with little provocation". I've always loved them, even whe

Project Capstone: Thunderhawk Build Log 1

Herein lies the first part of my ongoing project to build (and paint I guess) a Thunderhawk.  I have previously posted about the motivations for taking on such a crazy project , so this is just the ongoing project diary. Day 1 Thunderhawk arrived!  I went through the box and got a bit intimidated by the sheer volume of stuff, but I’ll just have to grind through.   Day 2 Started clipping out and cleaning bits whilst listening to podcasts. Day 3 Got the laser done and lay it out on my desk.  This thing is big.  Starting to worry a little that the Thunderhawk is maybe a bit bigger than I anticipated.   Days 4-7 Periodically clipped and cleaned the smaller parts in fits and bursts whilst listening to podcasts, but spent way too much time distracted playing Factorio instead.  The factory must grow. Day 8 Finally got the Dremel out for the big bits.  I got everything set up but realised that even though the sun was still up and the weather was fine it was probably getting a bit late for maki

Project Capstone

Herein we find the first of several posts I'll be making reporting my progress in what I am calling Project Capstone. I've been pretty keen on Raven Guard aircraft from day one.  Before even the Storm Raven existed I bought myself a Valkyrie for them to use (illegally of course).  When the Storm Raven appeared it was initially just for Blood Angels and Grey Knights (no idea why) but I went ahead and bought one anyway (despite how ugly is it too).  When Charlie suggested the Samalut IX campaign I splashed out and bought myself a Storm Eagle and by the time the campaign began I had space in either flying transports or Land Speeder Storms for every model that didn't have a jump pack or teleport homer. 5th company attached air wing Honestly I've always loved 40k aircraft in general.  I have loads of the buggers.  I built an entire Ork army around the idea of Ork aircraft.  I have a bunch of Forgeworld aircraft of various factions, and even more in plastic.  My love of them

Modular Urban Board Project Log 7: All Roads Lead to Foam

Roads present terrain makers with a series of challenges and compromises. In today's post, I'm going to talk about how I made some road sections for my ongoing modular 40K cityfight board, and which compromises I made. Regular readers may feel like it's been a while since I last produced any of the board sections for this project, and they'd be right - to the tune of several years! This is a project I'm getting back into after resolving my indecision over how to paint the Sanctum Administratus . But at last, I've got something I always felt was lacking from my terrain collection ever since I got into wargaming in the 90s: roads. They're boring, they're ubiquitous, and you really feel the lack of them. At last, roads.

Contenders, ready! Gladiators, ready!

Just a quick post this week, and this is largely a public service announcement for budding Space Marine commanders suffering from indecision.  In brief, the Gladiator tank can be built to swap between all loadouts without magnets. I can’t claim credit for working this out myself, there are lots of other posts about this floating around the internet, but when I shared mine with fellow bunkerites none of them knew about it so we felt it was worth passing the word along.   The key is to not glue in the base plates of the turret or the side sponsons.  Once they are undercoated, the paint will fill that gap nicely and the friction will hold them in place.  It’s as simple as that.  The Valiant and Reaper sponson options are simply not glued onto the peg, and again once sprayed friction will hold it in place whilst still allowing you to pull it apart. The one option you can’t swap without using magnets is the storm bolter or grenades on the Lancer/Impulsor sponson.  It wouldn’t be too hard to

Primaris Whirlwind Conversion

This brief post is about how to get a Whirlwind that looks at home in an army of Primaris Space Marines.  I'm not the first person to do this, but I am now a person who's done it, so here you are. The Whirlwind tank has had a long career in the Space Marines range, and while its effectiveness has varied over the last 30+ years, I've always liked the idea of an elite infantry army being supported by self-propelled light artillery. It fills a niche in the roster that no other Astartes unit quite fulfills. Besides, I'm playing Space Romans. Having a space catapult is a good addition to the Bit. Hoverwind? No. Hmm. Flywind? No. Wait... Floaty McFloatface? While I love the Rhino chassis, it doesn't make much sense to use a tracked vehicle when all my other tanks are grav tanks able to handle any terrain. Enter the Gladiator chassis. With a pair of storm bolters on the sponsons, you don't even have to fudge legal weapon options. Better yet, the Primaris range's tu

Inceptor Inception

As I settle in to write yet another “Tom doesn’t like GW’s design so he fixes it” I feel I have to point out that I really do like most of the new Primaris range.  The core armour designs are excellent and the vehicles are (mostly) great.  They just occasionally have a tendency to stick something pretty derpy on top of that excellent core, and I feel the urge to replace it with something less dumb. Image Credit: Games Workshop, used without permission for illustrative purposes only. Inceptors were some of the very earliest of these derpy designs.  Modelling them in a more upright pose certainly helps with the “floating baby” look, but those stupidly large pistols…  I just can’t get past them.  They’re so massively front heavy, and why a pair of jumbo pistols instead of a sensible weapon?  So I just ignored them. But they kept niggling at me, because they’re a very cool concept that is extremely on-brand for Raven Guard.  A highly mobile jump pack unit that can be dropped from orbit to

Primaris Psyker conversion

Today's short post is an ode to the advanced headswap. I've just finished off a Primaris Psyker for the mechanised Guard army I painted back in 8th edition, because sometimes you just fancy a palette cleanser. There were however two issues with using the stock kit. For one, I'm not a huge fan of the default head and collar, even if I recognise that shying away from Imperial weirdness is an act of cowardice. Secondly, both Jeff and Tom have already painted the same mini for their armies, and I didn't like the idea of having triplets running around. I'm a special snowflake, and so are my tiny plastic people. Enter a spare head from Statuesque Miniatures, some pinning, and some green stuff. I took a deep breath and snipped off the collar. No going back now.  Pinning the head in place and sculpting a neck, the next move was to smooth over the damage to the cuirass and then get a collar and hair bun in place, since the head's original ponytail didn't feel right.

In Space, No-one Can Hear You Chant

They come with chainaxe, they come with bolters, they come with faith and with their neverborn allies, and now, the biggest assholes in all the galaxy [citation needed] come with far too many spaceships. Yep! It's time that the Word Bearers took to the stars. Being the narrative obsessives that we are, the Beard Bunker crew really, really like a lot of the "auxilliary" games to 40k. We like being able to play out all the story aspects, defending planets, establishing air superiority (if only Chaos had made it to Aeronautica Imperialis before it's demise, if only...), all that stuff we love. Were I a betting man, I'd put money on the most beloved auxilliary game being Battlefleet Gothic. The late lamented game of spaceship combat. Fortunately for us, even in these days of long gone miniatures, the rise of 3d printing and some seriously talented digital sculptors (in this case, the excellent ItalianMoose) give us the chance to continue playing this essential narra