Greetings all you hive scum and curious uphivers! Come to admire the architecture have you? Because you should, it's a bit pretty... As we're a little bit immersion obsessive here in the bunker we wanted our Necromunda Zone Mortalis experience to be just that little bit "extra" compared to the bare tiles. Don't get me wrong, the tiles are lovely and some of my favourite floorplans that GW has ever put out there. But there's something unintuitive about a 2D black shape blocking line of sight. We needed something more, something that told stories, something with a third dimension... Shop at: I looked around a lot of different shops offerings and eventually fell for TT Combat's varied range of walls and corner columns. I liked the fact that it wasn't all "just wall" and had that "functional architecture" vibe that I feel the underhive needs. The pieces are all laser cut from M...