A couple of post's ago Jeff gave us all an update on the opening games of our Necromunda campaign. Em had attended with her Aegis Security Van Saar gang and returned full of Hobby Juice. She immediately went and ordered the Necromunda starter set so she could have her own rule book etc. In the starter set there are two gangs included. The muscle bound Goliaths and the leather bound Escher. The latter of which Em threw my way. Up until this point I was pretty indifferent to the world of Necromunda. I found the setting interesting, but I was really reluctant to get into yet another game system with yet another rule set to learn. I already have trouble keeping track of rules for Warhammer 40k, Warhammer Fantasy, Frost Grave, Bolt Action, Kill Team, Full Contact Tiddlywinks and whatever else it is we play. Saying that, having fresh plastic crack in my hands caused me to completely relapse and I dived headlong into creating a gang. Using the Yaktribe tools I started creating a rost...