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Showing posts from March, 2013

Meet the Stormbournes

Greetings and salutations Bunker dwellers. Well, 9 days of warhammer with my Dwarfs taught me a thing or two! I thought I'd share what I'd figured out about the units in the Stormbourne Host. General thoughts about Dwarfs Dwarfs in 6th ed do exactly what you feel they should. They can take anything the enemy can throw at them and just will not break. A major problem though is their small units - your opponant will almost always be steadfast, they may not be able to break you but you'll struggle to get rid of them too! Their anti-magic is brilliant though and don't bother casting remains in play spells against them. With no magic to cast themselves they can use all the power dice the army generates to dispel anything still hanging around. They are an older book though and it does show at times - especially in unit costs, compare some of the dwarf costs to some newer lists and oh boy are they pricey - but I was starting to get past the aged handicap by the end of t...

Campaign Week: part five

Come one, come all, to this: the final instalment of the narrative that evolved over the course of the Beard Bunker’s Campaign Week. If you’re new here, you might want to start at the beginning , then read the first and second parts of the story so far. Also, fair warning: what with this last part being, like, totally epic and awesome and whatnot, it is not short . Be prepared for schturm and drang and much gnashing of teeth. The Survivors Somewhere in the Weiss Hills Someone was shaking Amelia awake. “Sorry, miss, but it’s time to move on,” they said. She squinted at the light; the sun was coming up behind a pale sheet of cloud. The moorland turf beneath her was cold.  Her vision was still blurry, but better than it had been after the miscast. Her joints ached, and her hearing was still off. As she came to, she took in the other eight survivors, and in doing so, brief flashes of their night-time flight swam back to her: sneaking through the burned-out ruins ...

Campaign Week: part four

Something I’ve learned from the first week of campaign play is that the “narrative” in “narrative wargaming campaign” doesn’t come so much from the battles you play, but the little bits of story that knit them together. Consider, for a moment, the structure of an action movie... obviously, there need to be explosions. We’re all down with explosions, not least of which so that badass people can avoid looking at them . Now imagine a film containing nothing but explosions. That’d get old faster than [insert reality-TV-launched boy band here]. Don’t get me wrong, action scenes still have story content, but they function more like a big, gory fulcrum around which a preceding chunk of plot will turn. Why am I rambling on about this? Because it serves as a preamble to the second part of our campaign’s story wot we started in the last post . If you haven’t read that, this post is going to make little sense from this point onwards.

Campaign Week: part three

Arr, gather round, ye Beardlings! Here be the third part of the Beard Bunker’s campaign coverage, and now that we’ve shown you the armies  and explained the background, style, and characters of the campaign , we’ll be starting the story. The first campaign game that we played was a roleplaying session, and served to set up the political landscape and several of the characters’ relationships for the rest of the story. If you’re thinking of starting your own narrative campaign, I can’t recommend this step highly enough. You don’t necessarily need to do it in RPG mode; it could just as well be a conversation. The main thing is that a setting and characters aren’t a narrative, they’re ingredients for a narrative. Stories are made by people changing each other and the world around them, be it with big sticks or fabulous cooking. Finally, a reminder: the campaign’s set after the established fluff of the Warhammer World. It’s our own private storyworld. Where the GW studio has t...