Well bugger me if painting the Sanctum Administratus kit hasn't given me an existential crisis. I've now finished one of the intact building halves, and have been second-guessing myself all the way through. Normally with terrain I'd say you want to avoid picking out too many of the details, since painting them would a) take ages and b) create a lot of visual noise for your armies to disappear into, rather than being a pleasing backdrop. With the Sector Imperialis stuff you can get away with that minimalist approach, but I'm not convinced that minimalism works on the altogether more industrial (and pithily named) Battlezone Manufactorum: Sanctum Administratus. I've followed through on the test panel I did in the last post , hoping to create something that could work as either dilapidated Imperial infrastructure or pure underhive despair. Here's how it turned out: Somehow this looks simultaneously too pristine and too old and busted, and takes a long time to do re...