Charlie: about eight years ago, I painted my first ork warbiker mob. Three bikerz seemed a bit restrained for an Evil Sunz army, so over the years I acquired more... aaaand then failed to paint them. Now I've scrubbed off another stain on my honour by painting the nine bikes I had assembled, and frankly, 12 bikers looks a lot more like a proper biker gang. Get da motor runnin' Head out on da highway Lookin for adventure And whatever comes our way Yeah zoggit, gon' make it appen Take the world in a waaagh of deff Fire all of my guns at once An' explode into space The majesty of fat batches I painted all nine bikes in one big batch. Increasingly these days I'm finding one huge batch psychologically easier than painting a smaller number of models and then realising: I have to do the whole thing again. Multiple times. Better to stick a good podcast on and settle down for the long haul. Kustomising yer ride One of the limitations of the bike