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Showing posts from January, 2023

Krom Bignooz & Squigglzworth

Years ago, on the ork world of Boff's Rok, a po-faced mek named Krom came straight out of Bonkton with nothing but the wrench in his hand. He started out spannering for the Drop City Burnas, then managed to land a spot on Rezzgit Wurrlybitz' Formula Waaagh team out in Skid Row. It was here that Krom gained his first slice of notoriety: in his third year, he made a shokkjump drive and fitted it to the team's dragsta. This resulted in quite a lot of fighting when no-one could agree on whether tellyporting was cheating (most people came down on the side corresponding with the bets they'd placed). Sensing he'd just painted a target on his back, Krom snuck out and made for Mek Town, hoping to disappear into the crowds. He resurfaced a few years later, having 'inherited' Gurdur's Garridge following an 'unfortunate' tellyporta accident in which the top half of Gurdur 'went to find Gork and Mork.' Over the next few months, Krom built a reputation

The Raid On Lachesis Campaign

  This post is more a public service announcement than an article, but since I've poured a lot of love and effort into the subject of this announcement, and since I'm not taking up our regular Monday slot with it, I figure the world will cope. Just about. Back in October, Jeff finally brought his Word Bearers up to Oxford, and we spent a week enacting an orgy of miniature violence known as the Raid on Lachesis . A self-contained week-long 40K Crusade campaign with a big ol' campaign map, a lot of narrative, angry marines, and a whole bunch of truly heroic Imperial Guard. This post, then, serves purely to direct those of you who enjoy this sort of thing over to Goonhammer. It's split into five parts, because we did not skimp, and this way it's easier for you to savour it over multiple sittings. Part 1 : rules, maps, artwork, lore. Part 2 : The players that fought in the campaign, and their armies. Part 3 : The beginning, in which there are Imperial heroics. Part 4 :

What Makes a 40k Crusade Agenda Good?

Agendas are central to 40K Crusade, and Crusade is central to the Beard Bunker’s 40K experience, as is pretty obvious to regular readers.  It is our jam, marmalade or other sandwich spread of choice.  There are many Agendas to choose from, but despite this we normally see just a few used over and over again. In today’s post, Tom and I are exploring why that is, and why we like being rewarded for doing things beyond the winning the game and killing the enemy. GW has grouped Agendas into some incredibly intuitive categories such as “Purge the Enemy” and “No Mercy, No Respite”, but largely they can be grouped into two different camps. Spoilers: both of those camps have their place, but one is more fun than the other. Category 1: Getting XP for things you were going to do anyway Tom:  Simplest in this camp is indisputably “Reaper”; gain 2XP for the unit that destroyed the most enemy units.  This is probably the Agenda most easily guaranteed to succeed, but there are lots of others in the

Oops New Army: Necron Edition

Since I moved house four years ago and seriously re-engaged in this old hobby of ours I have collected six different armies (starting back in 2019 with Da Ork Airforce ).  And by “collected” I mean I have at least two thousand points of reasonably balanced models fully painted to a decent standard.  And by “six” I mean six armies of soup, spanning ten different sub-factions.   I did not set out to do this.  This was a mistake.  I neither condone nor recommend this behaviour.  But if you are thinking of starting a new army as a small side project, you might want to read on… The Aquisition Phalanx in most of its glory. Why Seriously though, why a new army, and why this army?  Like all good stories, this is a love story.  I read The Infinite and the Divine and fell deeply in love with Trazyn the Infinite.  In my defence, I started playing 40k a long time ago when there was a lot more overt humour in it, so I’ve never taken it too seriously.  He is without question one of the more “memey”

2022 In Review: A Hullabaloo

Tom:  A year ago we did a review of our past year's efforts and ambitions for the future.  Let's try that again.  If you want a quick recap, you can see last year here . The Bunkerites as a whole have leaned hard into Crusade this year.  We started big in February with the Brütal Crüsade Week , had several smaller events and lots of one on one games through the year and capped off the year with the Raid on Lachesis (which we haven’t posted about yet here but Charlie has been writing about over on Goonhammer ).  Planets have burned, wars won and lost, wurrbone stolen , and Legends forged.    Naturally wars are only fought with great logistical support, and a certain amount of hobby effort has been required to sustain this conflict, to populate the battlefields with scenery to fight over and units to fight with.  Let's have a look at what everyone has been up to shall we?