Last Christmas (I think) Jen enhanced my festiveness by buying me this dude: So dashing. Ohmygod, pretty. He’s one of the Empire duellists . It’s an absolutely beautiful sculpt. I mean seriously . Now technically , you can’t use this guy as an Empire captain, because captains can’t take a brace of pistols, but I loved the idea of a young, smug prettyboy as the obvious counterfoil to my general, Erhard von Rüdiger – a grizzled Templar Grand Master. Moreover, most Empire captains, like Captain Stefan Rainer , who I painted for my Nordlanders, are big, barrel-chested bastards. This guy would be a refreshing change. So, what to do with the rules? Other members of the Beard Bunker probably would’ve been cool with me just paying more points for the extra pistol, but I thought, screw it, why not go one step further? There was just one fly in the ointment. Apparently, Oskar wears tights: So pert. Ok, it’s not that I’d feel self-conscious spending...