Wow, this has to be the most exciting post ever placed upon the Beard Bunker. A review of spray paints? Ermagahd. Youtube and its legions of kittens have nothing on me. Nothing. Dem nozzles My foray into Army Painter’s primer sprays was brought about by the desire to pay less money than GW are currently asking for their primer spray. I find it hard to believe that the cost of manufacture has increased 50% in the last four years, but their price tag has. </bitter sarcasm> Dem cans Army painter spray: plus points It’s cheaper, and they do a wider range of colours than Citadel. Army painter spray: the drawbacks The black is glossy. Not seriously glossy, but glossier than satin varnish. This means paint doesn’t stick to it very well. The process of drybrushing was actually rubbing paint off the model. This is a problem for a primer. The green, while less glossy, had an inconsistent texture. Andy of Iron Legion fame is using their yellow spray for his...