... or a short essay on my motivations for starting a collection. A little while ago Em restarted her long abandoned pending Wood Elf project. For the last few weeks the army book has been laying around the house, and an increasing number of plastic tree-like bits have been spreading across our hobby space. During a painting binge one evening (I'm currently attempting to paint 70 skeletons in a single batch and incidentally is the main reason why I don't have anything new to show you all) I innocently said... "I really like the Wood Elf models, but I wouldn't collect any" To which Em said... "Well, what does make you want to collect something?" I was instantly plunged into a massive existential conundrum focused around why I make the hobby choices that I do. I think I might have replied at the time with something along the lines of 'erm... the blue one's?!'. I didn't draw this, Charle M Schulz did. This is his work that I...