In the last post we showed you the Warhammer Fantasy armies we’ve been building over the last year. Today we’ll explain the minimalist way our campaign works, along with the setting and the major characters. How doth this campaign bizznatch work? Being a bunch of fluffy narrative-hungry types, the only things we needed to start the campaign were a map and a story. There are no rules or campaign turns. Each faction has its own objectives, and these aren’t mutually exclusive, so it’s theoretically possible that everyone could win. When two (or more) players decide to play a game, they’ll chat about what their characters are trying to achieve, and set up a battle that will allow them to try and achieve it. This means that games can be skirmishes, battles, or even a short roleplay session if the story would be better furthered by investigation rather than open conflict. It’s all done with a co-operative spirit. When we fight battles, we fight to win, but the campai...