Hello and welcome to my first and last commission job. Approximately ages ago, my mate Nick decided he wanted the Banebeasts "Chimaera". He really, really wanted it. And then he asked if I’d be willing to paint it. For money. Me: And you want me to paint it, like, nicely? Nick: That’s kindof the point, yes. Me: Judging by the photo on the website, it looks quite big. Nick: Yep. Me: It might take me a while. Nick: Sure. Me: A long while. Nick: OK. Me: Which means commissioning it might cost a fair bit. I quoted Nick a big number that would have me working for over 70 hours at a low wage. I figured at this point Nick would give up and let me go back to having no money ever. Nick: Can I pay in instalments? Clearly I hadn’t appreciated quite how much Nick wanted this model. Also, I suspect Nick didn’t realise quite how long it’d take me to finish. Admittedly this is more because I’m a dreadful person to hire as a painter, since my brai...