Good evening and welcome to my inaugural post on the Beard Bunker and my very first unaccompanied foray into the blogosphere! Unlike Charlie, (a self-confessed hobby butterfly, whose Dark Eldar stand around all day, wandering what will happen first: will their souls be devoured by Slaanesh or will they get an undercoat) I am a hobby monomaniac. I am happy to indulge in all sorts of long term, ambitious and lengthy projects, on the strict proviso that the project concerns Orks. Hence, the sort of thing that I will usually be working on will look something like this: So when the Warhammer challenge came along, I viewed it with some trepidation – it wouldn’t involve Orks, Tanks, or Orks driving Tanks. Hmmm. However, I did have a box of Skaven from Island of Blood hanging around, and I was reasonably excited about them. Whilst the Skaven weren’t Orks, they had the benefit of erratic contraptions, good looking miniatures, a horde army and a reckless disregard for ...