Things I have done with Devlan Mud Sitting there, looking at a pile of 56 unpainted Skaven slaves; I'm thinking “I'm going to cherish and value each and every one of you and give you a paintjob fit for a prince of Slaneesh”. 2 rats in, the base coats are going on with a drybrush and I'm thinking “I want to get shot of you as quickly as possible and you’re going to get a paintjob fit for the dirty, useless, and expendable, 2 point shod that you are.” The redemption for these very poorly painted models was that they’d get a lovely coating of Citadel Devlan mud wash once the base colours were on and dry. Devlan Mud was splendid! It hid where I’d gone over the lines, did some shading, added definition to the model and even filled in the crevices - a la the old technique of black lining. It made everything look dirty and shonky and gave the illusion that I was a competent painter. It was my staple diet for rat painting and I thrived upon it. ...