Greetings bunker dwellers! It is I, Jeff of the... well, the Beard Bunker actually. I've finally moved in permanently from the old site so you'll be seeing me rather a lot more going forward. To kick off, I thought I'd return us to the dry desert heat of North Africa with a companion project to Maisey's Aussies , my Bolt Action Italians: This lot are the first squad of the army. Italian formations of the period are a bit weird to British eyes and making them fit Bolt Action's rules took a little finagling. I'll be talking more about the historical aspects of the army in future posts so stay tuned for that. Today, instead, we'll be focusing on the models and the painting. Let's get to it! Ignore the base rims, that's not a mistake to be fixed later, no... it's a stylistic choice honest... The models are Perry Miniatures ' range of metal Italian WW2 chappies. Now, before we get much further, I have to have a tiny grumble: I love the ...