Maisey: I know I have said this before, and I know I’ll be saying it again at some point in the future, but as of right now the Thousand Sons are done. Yes done. Completely. 100% totally farm fresh done. 5pm Friday afternoon type done. Take the turkey out of the oven because it’s done done. I’ve reached a very healthy 1750 pts worth of stuff. I was actually aiming at 1500 pts but I had a slight misunderstanding around the way 8th edition calculates points. So now being clear that nothing comes for free anymore I’ve arrived at 1750 pts. Which to me is a very solid core of a collection. It's always hard getting everything into a single photo, but you get the idea. The latest and last things added to the army, beyond what we’ve seen here before, is a huge pile of worthless cannon fodder glorious Cultists, 30 of them to be exact, more Tzaangor, a pair of Helbrutes, and a rather large Forgefiend. I do have some reasonings behind these choices. Introducing Nuterhek... ...