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The Beard Bunker is temporarily switching to monthly posts

I am here today on behalf the management* to make an announcement to all Beard Bunker readers, and instead of burying the lead, I've put it in the title. Regrettably, for while, we are going to have to switch from weekly posts to monthly.

What? Why?!
A number of us are currently undergoing spectacular real life events, and the other half are stretched in other ways. In such times, one has to prioritise. The Beard Bunker has, mostly, been putting out a weekly post for twelve years. That's a fact we're very proud of (let us not mention the stunning Warhams Drought of 2015-2016).

We'd like to keep doing that, but events have grabbed us by the short'n'curlies and have started singing that System of a Down song about pogo sticks. If the Beard Bunker were a money-earning website, maybe that would necessitate different priorities, since we'd owe paying customers more content, but it's something we do for fun.

How long will you be posting monthly instead of weekly?
Hard to say right now, but I imagine it's likely to be at least three months, likely to be six months, and possibly longer, but I'm very aware this could significantly harm our traffic, and is disappointing news for those of you who tune in regularly. It's disappointing for us too.

When will you be posting?
We'll post on the first Monday of each month. I'll update the front page to reflect that. We might occasionally post more frequently than that if circumstances permit, but it's unlikely.

Is everyone OK?
No-one's seriously ill, this is more about dramatic changes in life circumstances. Beyond that, it's not my news to share. Personally I'm fine, although I have an unusual amount on my plate.

Are you guys still hobbying?
Very much so. Some more than others, as circumstances permit.

On that note, Harvey and I recently fought our first skirmish over Stilt Town. We were both trying to find and save/abduct a senior techpriest. Captain Lucullus and his bodyguards found the techpriest quickly, but got immediately surrounded by grinning Night Lords. Spectacular violence followed, but when the dust settled, the techpriest and one single Bladeguard, Brother Katumaros, were left standing. They just about survived the rest of the game, and to mark his success, Katumaros finally earned some personalised heraldry reflecting the debt of gratitude owed to him by the Mechanicus (my Bladeguard are like questing knights, and have blank right pauldrons until they do something suitably important).

The moment before our troops painted the walls with each other. Katumaros is the Cobalt Scion on the far left.

Brother Katumaros: finally, a deed of note. I did a split design of a shield on one side and the Cog Mechanicus on the other to evoke his stabby safeguarding.

Brother Galadoc is now the last of my Bladeguard who has yet to perform an in-game deed worthy of being recorded on his heraldry.

So there, at least, is a little vicarious hobby hit to hopefully reduce this less-than-ideal announcement. I'll let you know when normal service is resumed.
*To be clear, there is no management. This will come as no surprise, given that the Beard Bunker is free and does not have a Patreon.


  1. That's a shame; hope whatever the issues are work out for all of you.

    1. Thanks mate, much appreciated. I'm sure all will return to normalcy given enough time :)

  2. Hope it gets better for you all, as an aside would love to see all the bladeguard and their respective deeds

    1. Thanks! Perhaps, if I end up with more Bladeguard, there'll be enough there to warrant a collated post. For now, I only have three, and only two of them have earned heraldry:

  3. Boo, I want my money back... wait, this is free and often quite a bit of work for you? Oh well, then carry on. Maybe you could toss out a few micro posts just to keep the site active in our feeds?

    I really like the heraldry update. More figures should have stuff like that, but of course time/effort etc make it hard enough to "finish" figures, let alone come back and give individual models kill markings, honorifics or names or whatever.

    1. Thanks mate, and yeah, personalised heraldry is very cool but I think worth saving for occasional minis rather than doing it on everything. Bladeguard feel particularly apt for it, as do characters, but I wouldn't be averse to adding details on random brother-marines if they happened to do something I'd like to remember.

  4. That heraldry looks great, and contains its own story. Love it. I like that you work within the established colour scheme too, I'm often tempted to add a splash colour to my monochrome lads, but it doesn't aid group unity.

    I've been impressed with the output of the BB crew as a whole, and I reckon it's natural that there will be a time when that might be constrained. I hope you find time to have fun together, as you clearly have a decent bunch of lads

    1. Aww thanks :)

      Yeah I generally like seeing how much of the heraldry can remain two-tone to keep it blending in, with the obvious exception of the helix and tech adepts.

      I'm confident at least some of us will find time to keep hobbying and having fun amidst the challenges. Thanks dude, very much appreciated!

  5. Appreciate being informed, and looking forward to the fun stuff that does come through over the low-output period!

  6. Argh I just found you guys! I've been reading the odd article here and there over the Christmas break and have really enjoyed everything so far. You guys are very much on my hobby wavelength :D 🙌

    1. One of us! One of us! Welcome, fellow narrative Warham.

      I really appreciate you saying that, and rest assured things are starting to calm down at our end, so I'm optimistic that weekly posts will return in due course :)


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