So, in my last post I mentioned I was going to wait for the new army book for the Vampire Counts to come out before making any firm choices about my army, well I waited for the new book and picked it up on release day and scurried home like an over excited ghoul bringing his master some kind of tasty damsel. I also picked up a single box of skeletons at the same time, mostly because I knew that on reading the book I would want to start working on things straight away. On arriving home I made myself some tea (which is my hobby fuel) and curled up with the book.
A few hours and 3 pints of tea later I had absorbed enough of the army book to start working on my list. As everyone on the BBB (Beard Bunker Blog) knows, I’m a very gentle gamer in terms of army selection. I’m not building this army to win anything, I’m building it to enjoy myself. So I started off by working out what I want in the army. To me an undead army wouldn’t be worth it’s bones without seemingly endless ranks of skeletons. I love those boney buggers. One of the main things that draws me to an army is the core troops and the VC’s Skeletons are some of the best. So I crammed as many skeletons and grave guard in as I could. I would also have had my application to the vampire country club rejected if I didn’t include a huge shambling pile of zombies in the list somewhere. Zombies are, in the new book, a very viable option now. Not only are they a point cheaper than before (3pts ftw) they are also toughness 3 now. So they will be re-deaded at a slightly slower rate when I throw them at people. The new black knight models are all kinds of shiny so I just had to include them. There is also a fair assortment of characters in the list. Firstly, Philippe and Etienne have been included and given the appropriate equipment to match their personalities. I’ve also included a Wight King as a Battle Standard Barer, mostly because it's a beautiful Forge World model and I couldn't resist it. To round up the characters I’ve included an as yet un-named necromancer, again mostly because I wanted to use the plastic GW kit and partly I wanted some serious magical heft. Below is a screen shot of the 2k list. It’s completely built around the models I wanted to paint and in the numbers I feel they should be there in. There is a 3 k list but that is a story for another time.
- Maisey
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