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3000 points of Gobbos... WAAARGH!

Hi everybody! (Hi Doctor Jeff...) I have been remiss lately, it's true. My posts here have been few and far between. Truth be told, so was my personal hobby over the Christmas period. But not any more baby! I recently managed to fridge* out the last 70 goblins that were standing in the way of my original 3000 point list. Glory be, the basics are done. To celebrate this, I thought I'd have a bit of a photoshoot:

*fridge(n): a beard bunker idiom for anything difficult done with great mindlessness and purpose. Just to get. It. Done. Like carrying a fridge up stairs. No I don't remember why...

Now that is a heck of a lot of goblin. 220 of them to be precise and a bunch of spiders and monsters along for the ride. Now photographing this many gobbos is a real pain in the bum (more on that later) so I thought after the initial "impact" shot I'd break down the tribes. The Bitter Moons first:

The Bitter Moons (named for an oriental LARP teahouse belonging to friends of mine, no word of a lie) are the spine of the army. A huge slab of goblin complete with pesky fanatics and ruinous nets - anyone who thinks they're overpriced has never had a unit of halbardiers walk through their unit like it wasn't there. The giant is a 200 point brick of optimism as he only works properly maybe one game in three. Terrifyingly, this is not enough for this army. It lacks the punch to back up those huge, tarpit hordes and almost completely lacks in "softener" options designed to weaken an army before they strike. For that reason I am adding another 500 points to the 2k already here in the form of squigs - because yes - 3 bolt throwers - as anti-monster options - and 2 rock lobbers - the ultimate softener. Whole units can evaporate under a well aimed rock lobber. With 2 on the table... yikes. There's a couple of characters still to paint too, but seriously. Compared to the mound of painting required to get this far? The forty or so models still to go seems a snip. Backing up the spine of the Bitter Moons are the spikey fingers/arachnid legs of the Blackhead tribe:

Yup, that's a thousand points of - mostly - legal spider army. Mostly? Well, the shaman technically can't ride a spider in the army book but this is stupid and mostly to do with people stealing copyright so I have ignored it. A spider he shall have! He has to skulk around behind the units or lose them their Fast Cavalry bonus but a well placed Gift of the Spider God on these fellas is horrifying. The Arachnarok is the terror troop of the entire army. Almost ridiculously potent and a magnet for cannons (when they work eh Charlie? Yeah, over two games five cannon shots managed to roll a 1 to wound. Statistics for the win!). I have tried out the Blackheads as an army on their own and they feel right. The Arachnarok is ludicrous in such a small game but is killable and the rest of the army is a bit "glass hammer" i.e. hits hard under the right circumstances but shatters if it goes badly. Because of the trauma of painting this many spiders in realistic garden spider pattern I doubt I will ever add more spiders to the army. I'm done. 80 stripes per spider. 800 per unit. 2640 across the army. No more. If I ever go insane and do a second Arachnarok it'll be a black widow...

Speaking of adding to the army, as the workometer above shows, there is a whole extra lump of gobbo being attached to the horde. These are the Rivver Pikeys a means to add common goblins to the army without needing to use the aging "Genghis" gobbos. I see them as river rats, pirating traffic on stolen boats. I've made a start already and there'll be lots more where they came from. Trying to stick to finishing the night gobbos first though. With that I'm almost done, just time for one more image. What it takes to photograph armies:

In this case, a dust sheet over a washing line, several realm of battle boards, one umbrella and a very, very understanding wife. Thanks Lucy!



  1. Didn't the fridge thing start with a really bad joke? Something like:

    Q: Why did the girl fall off the swing?
    A: Because someone threw a fridge at her!

    1. Close... the actual joke was too tasteless for me to repeat it on this blog :P

      Well photographed, you two! They've scrubbed up lovely in that light. And the spiders look worryingly real. Most perturbatory.

  2. Having watched someone get a washing machine upstairs (to be plumbed in, in the bathroom, of course), I get 'fridge' as an adverb.

    Nice lookin' gobbos, Jeff.


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