There is a rule I try to stick to for each game that I
play: no more than one scenery project, regiment project and character project
can be started at any one time. This way, things get finished.
For people with willpower, this rule is not very
important. For idiots like me, it’s damn-near essential. This is what lies at
the bottom of the slippery, slippery slope when I fail:
The sheer size of the Warhammer Fortress makes the rest
look irrelevant, but when you paint as slowly as I do, five concurrent
character projects isn’t very clever, never mind two concurrent regiments (well
ok three, technically), two monsters, some cavalry, a piece of artillery, and a
fortified manor. Oh, and a genestealer. Don’t ask about the genestealer.
If you’re wondering what the point of this post is, it’s
this: I don’t have any pretty pictures of new shiny things to show you, because
my brain has been replaced with a butterfly. But I am doing things. Fifteen things. At once. This is what some call
going full retard.
What about the genestealer??
ReplyDeleteI couldn't resist. I have the same rule for myself, one unit and one terrain piece at a time. If I don't, I end up with a mass of grey staring at me.
Hahaha I understand, Xi, I understand. And yeah, grey blindness is toxic for productivity :)
DeleteHa! I actually need to have several projects on the go. The trick find is the time dedicated. So for example lately it's been Space Marines - eveinings. Dreadball - when kids are in bath. Scenary Saturday afternnon when kids can join in.
ReplyDeleteAnd I now have painted more in the last 4 weeks than the last 4 years!
Good effort, that's a fine example of someone finding a system that works for them and sticking to it. Hats off to you!
DeleteIt's only been 4 weeks still time to fall off the wagon yet ;)
DeleteI'd never thought of that ! What a mega idea ! No idea how many projects I have on the go at all; Every box I open in the garage seems to have an unfinished projecty thingy in it. It's a never ending roller coaster of exciting things to really get my tee No! wait, what was that over th....