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Storm Eagle - Work In Progress*: The Storm Eagle has Landed

Part three of the Storm Eagle build. It's all about the paint today. I know that this was my March project, and in honesty it did get finished and delivered in March, just only now getting around to sticking up a post about it.  Next time I'll show you all what I've been getting up to in April. Anyway. Here the photo dump. 

Cockpit details

Little Mens!

Base coated in a mid grey.

Preshaded in black. Just in the recesses. Doesn't need to be super neat.
Then lightly dusted with black again, letting the midgrey show through. The preshade should give us a nice mottled/faded in look to the black.
Done with the airbrush
A very light drybrush of the midgrey just to bring out the edges. 
I think it worked out ok.

Door Details
Top down

The nose guns I've left off and can be swapped out depending on the mission
Adding some Imperial Inquisition Red bits. 
Now the fun begins, weathering!
Paint Wear and tear applied using a sponge.
Full Frontal!
Dust added, the dust was just paint watered down very heavily and applied, the excess removed, and applied again to build up the layers. 

*This is the point where I have to admit of excitedly handing the finished model over to Charlie, and forgot to take decent pictures of the finished item. I'm sure if we all ask nicely enough Charlie will take some for us all :D. 


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